The Ultimate UV Alkaline Drinking Water System

The EV Green Ultimate UV Alkaline Drinking Water System is revolutionizing the drinking water industry.

Water REdefined

  • Proper mineralized alkaline pH balanced water for human consumption.

  • Ultraviolet light protection with auto shutoff to conserve light and save energy.

  • 100% tankless system which means cold water on demand, zero wasted water, and more space underneath the sink.

  • Lead free brushed nickel faucet

  • Designed in Canada, and built in the USA.


S5 Filtration - Sediment Filter plus 2-in-1 carbon filter - First line of defense.

Sediment filter

The Sediment filter removes the most damaging and harmful contaminants from water, including sand, dirt, silt, insects, rust and other unwanted sediments.



Micro Membrane Filtration - Second line of defense providing microscopic filtration.

Micro Membrane

The Micro Membrane filters remove some of the smallest most difficult to capture contaminants from water. It removes lead, bacteria, turbidity, copper, mercury, fungi, algae and more. It is the most effective filter at removing serious contaminants from your drinking water.


pH Filtration - Naturally raises the pH and infuses a powerful mixture of nature minerals to the EV Green water.

Ph+ mineral filter

Alkaline filtration adds minerals such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, zinc, and 25 other minerals. It naturally raises the pH of the water, serves as a powerful antioxidant and increases the oxygen content of the water. The 6 stages create the healthiest alkaline water available.


CM Filtration - Removes over 130 different chemicals and odour, while providing the best tasting water ever!

Carbon media

Carbon block filters remove the most offensive taste and odour contaminants from water. It removes over 130 chemicals including; Chlorine, Pesticides, Volatile Organic Compounds, Odours, and Industrial Solvents.


UV Filtration - The last line of defense that helps with the removal of viruses, bacteria and any other harmful microbes.

UVC-C Filtration Light

Ultraviolet sterilization destroys living contaminants from your water supply. Sterilizes viruses, cysts, bacteria, giardia, cryptosporidium, E.coli, and more. Ultraviolet filtration offers the most comprehensive way to deal with microorganisms in water.